Monday, July 18, 2011

An introduction is in order

My name is Bruce M. Mackh. I hold a Ph.D. in Critical Studies and Fine Art Practice. I also hold an MFA and BFA in Studio art with a concentration in Photography.

As it always seems to come up, no my Ph.D. is not a practice-based degree or an honorary degree. It is strictly an academic and scholarly accomplishment, earned at Texas Tech University in the Fine Art Doctoral Program through the College of Visual and Performing Arts.

I wrote my dissertation on something I titled, "The Documentary Aesthetic." In short, documentary photography and it's status as art has (and still is) been aggressively contested. I, of course, claim that documentary photography qualifies as art if created or presented as such.

Though there were some bumps along the road in the earning of my Ph.D., I successfully graduated just this past May (2011).

Though documentary has been my focus, I'm not unfamiliar with others forms of art, theory, criticism philosophy and practice. It has been said of me (by others) that I have a particular passion for art. I would like to practice that passion here in this blog. So, that is my intention---to practice my passion.

To that end I dedicate this blog!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


As we are all aware, Theseus fought and overcame foes that were identified with stale, static, political, religious and archaic social order power structures---as well as defeating villains, thugs, tricksters and other ne're-do-wells in the course of his journeys and adventures.


I'm also on a journey and adventure in a land of stale, static, metaphorically religious and archaic social order power structures. Summoned and delivered into the breach I hold no sword...only a pen and--because we live in modern times--an electronic tablet no less miraculous than any mythological weapon ever conceived.

I'm ready. I've spent a good part of my life, and especially the past dozen years, preparing for this moment. There have been missteps, yes. Additionally, I've dealt with my share of tricksters, ne're-do-wells, thugs and villains along the way. And I know I'll encounter more. To them I say, beware! Look at me... I wear the scars collected from beating my head against many the stone wall patrolled and defended by aggressive boarder-patrolling moralizers. Scarred, yes..., but not defeated.

I'm no king..., but I am the son of a gentleman who was [in his own right] a prince.

The pen is mightier than the sword! Let's put it to the test...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The other side

I havent written in the longest time. I haven't really wanted to. Yet here I am, now feeling the urge to begin again. So, while this entry will be no great effort, stay tuned! I'll be hunting and pecking with vigor soon.

With every good wish, Bruce M. Mackh, Ph.D.