Sunday, July 17, 2011


As we are all aware, Theseus fought and overcame foes that were identified with stale, static, political, religious and archaic social order power structures---as well as defeating villains, thugs, tricksters and other ne're-do-wells in the course of his journeys and adventures.


I'm also on a journey and adventure in a land of stale, static, metaphorically religious and archaic social order power structures. Summoned and delivered into the breach I hold no sword...only a pen and--because we live in modern times--an electronic tablet no less miraculous than any mythological weapon ever conceived.

I'm ready. I've spent a good part of my life, and especially the past dozen years, preparing for this moment. There have been missteps, yes. Additionally, I've dealt with my share of tricksters, ne're-do-wells, thugs and villains along the way. And I know I'll encounter more. To them I say, beware! Look at me... I wear the scars collected from beating my head against many the stone wall patrolled and defended by aggressive boarder-patrolling moralizers. Scarred, yes..., but not defeated.

I'm no king..., but I am the son of a gentleman who was [in his own right] a prince.

The pen is mightier than the sword! Let's put it to the test...

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